Monday, September 15, 2014

Ukraine Crisis - What You're Not Being Told

Excellent video clip that busts Western media establishment lies about the Ukraine crisis. The coup that toppled the government in Kiev had a significant Neo Nazi faction within it that is supported by the West. The hypocrisy of the West is plain for all to see. On the one hand, the violent Neo Nazi backed coup that toppled the former government is hailed as democracy and the will of the people, but when the people of Crimea democratically elected to secede from Ukraine and join Russia, the Western political establishment says "Oh no you can't have that" and then they proceed to insult Putin and Russia and tell all manner of lies about them.

The US establishment has wanted to break Ukraine away from Russia for quite a while now. Back in 1997, former National Security Advisor to President Carter and Western political elitist Zbigniew Brzezinski discussed the Ukraine in his book 'The Grand Chessboard'. His view was that without Ukraine, Russia would cease to be a Eurasian empire. Brzezinski has a certain amount of influence in Washington today including on Obama himself. This book provides some insight into why the West and USA in particular are fighting a proxy war in Ukraine, and engaging in the most insane political brinksmanship.

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