Friday, September 5, 2014

The Money Trap BBC Documentary on How Banks Control the World Through Debt

Interesting documentary on how the banks enslave low income earners in debt. It features a number of tragic stories of low income earners who got into debt trouble on their credit cards, and yet the banks were still encouraging them to either up their credit limit or take on more credit cards. The banks make a lot of money out of low income earners in credit card debt trouble who can't pay off their credit card bills in full each month, and only pay the minimum amount off, thus getting hit with high interest charges.

If you are in debt trouble, don't do anything drastic like in some of the cases featured in the documentary, but instead please seek assistance in consolidating your debts and getting them back under control, and ideally, paid off completely.

For further information on the banks and credit card debt, you might want to check out the documentary 'In Debt We Trust' that can be downloaded from iTunes through the link below


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